Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You'd Never Know When...

You'd never known when you'd end up encouraging someone. I think somehow God factored that into His design. Why am I saying this now? Cos I have been receiving emails from a particular colleague. The emails contain fictional short stories that are like metaphors. Similiar to my earlier post on the Coffee Bean, Carrot and Egg. So anyway, my point is that I'm feeling pretty stretched this period of time... but I received a timely encouragement when I opened my email just now. I received this particular mail that lifted my spirit (Posted below). So it goes to show huh, don't unestimate a simple action - it could mean alot to someone out there! So that's why now I'm sharing this on my blog cos I think it's so meaningful and so appropriate to my circumstances now. =) I particularly like the ones in purple.

Things To Remember

I find what I look for in people. If I look for God, I find God. If I look for bad qualities, I find them. I, in a sense, select what I expect, and I receive it.

A life without challenges would be like going to school without lessons to learn.

Challenges come not to depress or get me down, but to master and to grow and to unfold thereby.

In the Father's wise and loving plan for me, no burden can fall upon me, no emergency can arise, no grief can overtake me, before I am given the grace and strength to meet them.

A rich, full life is not determined by outer circumstances and relationships. These can be contributory to it, but cannot be the source. I am happy or unhappy because of what I think and feel.

I can never lose anything that belongs to me, nor can I posses what is not really mine.

To never run from a problem: either it will chase me or I will run into another just like it, although it may have a different face or name.

To have no concern for tomorrow. Today is the yesterday over which I had concern.

To never bang on a closed door: Wait for it to open and then go through it.

A person who has come into my life has come either to teach me something, or to learn something from me.

~ You've made a difference. Trust in a God that is all powerful and loving. ~

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